Developing an insurance business requires significant time and money. And, a constant flow of new leads is the lifeblood of any insurance service provider. The techniques for attracting interested prospects have over the past few years changed considerably. Most insurance agents purchase leads bearing in mind that their competitor organization’s marketing method would bear better responses than their own.
The lead quality actually differs from, each available source. Understanding the differences can help you safeguard your valuable time and money.
Internet Leads: People generally prefer to go online while searching for insurance quotes. They visit a particular website requesting for additional information. The companies owning these sorts of websites don’t offer insurance services, they rather sell the visitor’s contact information in the form of leads to local agents. You can buy the list of insurance leads from such companies.
Moreover, the most relevant and the major concern with this unassailable concept of buying internet leads is the method that is being used by most vendors to attract visitors. Some unprincipled online lead companies attract visitors in a wrong way. They convince them of winning a grand prize and trick them to provide their contact information. Avoid buying leads from such companies that utilize false and misleading online advertising techniques. Selling your services to a lead that is unprofessionally acquired would most likely contain an air of mistrust in your relationship.
Exclusive / Shared Leads: One of the major concerns while hiring lead generation company is whether you are provided exclusive leads only. Several lead companies will sell you the shared leads, i.e. same leads to several agents, letting you to compete with numerous other insurance providers or companies. Shared leads, on average, cost less than fresh exclusive leads. But, because numerous other local agents or brokers in your area will be there to receive the same leads, this might most like defeat the purpose of buying the leads.
Direct Response Leads: Scores of lead generation service providers hit upon insurance prospects through direct mail campaigns. They mail brochures, flyers and survey numerous consumers, and sell the lists of responders to the insurance service providers, like you. These leads are more expensive than internet leads. These leads are quite expensive, because the leads company has to recover their basic mailing costs. But, to the positive side, these leads can most likely result in a good product sale, because these are the leads that took time to answer queries and responded to the offers for additional information.
Telemarketed Leads: This telemarketing insurance lead generating technique is being used for years and can still result into a huge success. An extremely huge number of people can be contacted in quite a short time bearing the cost lower than any other lead generation techniques. The cost might go higher, if you fail to plan telemarketing calls by your own. Formulating intrusive outbound calls and hitting up interested prospects is quite a difficult task. However, a professional telemarketed insurance lead generation company, partially pre-qualifying prospects on the line; weed out the results that don’t match to your criteria.
Appointment Leads: Appointment leads are the dearest insurance leads. The appointment setters, utilizing their outbound marketing skills, pre-set an appointment with the list of interested prospects on your behalf. Once the appointment is set they provide you with the details of that prospective lead. Preset leads for the insurance appointments saves time, but are extremely expensive vis-à-vis other type of leads. Moreover, these leads do offer the best chance of successfully transforming the leads into customers as the most difficult part of filtering the uninterested prospects has already been dealt with.
Referral Leads: By far, are the most cost-effective, high quality insurance leads. When your existing happy customers send their known ones to your company, you most likely would be able transform that prospect into customer successfully, knowing that the sense of trust has already been set in the bag by the referrer. So, why hesitate to ask for referrals.
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